I'll risk stating the obvious to say the following:
The essence of creativity lies in action than in feeling. All too often persons who are inclined toward some sort of artistic endeavor feel as if they are failing if they do not "feel" creative either before or during their artistic activity. That is, if they are active at all. However, it has been my observation that the ability to perceive oneself as an artist or creator often ensues from inventive or expressive effort. The more the activity is carried out, the more sustained one's self-perception as a creative person remains.
I would even say that at least for the photographer, many of the necessary happenings that lead up to the actual creative product can seem fairly mundane if not just like plain old hard work. Case in point: Some of the telephone calls you make while arranging your photoshoots, to attract business or clarify location details.
If you wait to feel creative before you shoot that photo, paint that picture or play that opus, you may be in for a long wait. You've gotta just get up and do it because inspiration can actually follow expressive action just as it can precede it.